To create a commission plan successfully, ensure all fields are completed.

1. Under your profile, go to "Commission" then "Store Management".

2. Click "Add".

3. Add your commission plan details.

  • Pricing: Enable the "Pay What You Want" option to allow clients to pay extra donation if they choose.
  • Category: Choose the category that best matches your creative offering. 
  • Available Time: Set the date and time for your commission to appear in your store. 
  • Offer Availability: Specify the number of commissions you can fulfill. If you can handle fast sales, toggle on the "Unlimited" option. 

Commission Description: Specify the expected completion timeline and the starting date after accepting the request. 

Timeframe: Specify the expected completion timeline and the starting date after accepting the request.
Creative License: Define the scope of the creative license you wish to authorize for the project.
Revision Details: Outline the number of revisions allowed for each stage. During the revision process, creators can share updates, and both parties can discuss changes via private chat. Once the revisions are finalized and approved, the creator can submit the work for formal approval.

The default commission plan is single stage. To add more stages, toggle on "Submission Stages". Assign a unique name to each stage and ensure the payment percentages for all stages total 100%.

4. If you'd like to continue working on your commission plan later, you can save it. Saved plans will remain visible only to you and can be accessed under the "All" or "Draft(s)" section. 

5. After publishing a commission plan, you can edit it anytime in the "All" or "Open" section.  

6. To close a commission, go to "Edit" and select "Deactivate". The commission plan will no longer be visible in your store but can be reopened anytime from the "All" or "Closed" section.