A "Promo Code" serves as a randomly generated, exclusive code that creators can extend to their fans, granting them access to limited-time discounts on collections or subscription plans. Each code is uniquely generated and can only be redeemed once per account. By leveraging this feature, creators can effectively incentivize purchases and subscriptions, actively engage their audience, and foster sales growth through precisely targeted promotions.
Set Up a Promo Code
1. Go to "Creation Center" > Page Setting > Promo Codes
2. Click "Create" under "Create Discount Code".
3. Choose a specific collection or subscription plan that you wish to highlight for promotion. Determine the discounted price point you want to offer and create an engaging campaign name that resonates with your audience. Set an expiration date for the campaign to create a sense of urgency and encourage prompt action from potential buyers.
"Expiry Date" refers to the expiration date of the promotional code.
"Duration" refers to the time during which fans can unlock your plan.
"Number of Discount Codes" refers to how many fans can use the code to unlock the subscription plan. Once all the codes are used, fans will fail to use it.
4. After completing the setup, click on "See Details" to access comprehensive statistics for your campaign. Here, you can monitor the performance metrics and effectiveness of your promotional efforts. Generate multiple unique codes and distribute them across various social media platforms to engage your fans. By tracking the usage of each code, you can analyze which locations or channels are generating the highest conversion rates. This valuable insight enables you to optimize your marketing strategies and allocate resources more effectively to maximize your campaign's success.